- Infinite Introspection -

Artist's path is paved with fear, doubts, self criticism, insecurities. Constantly looking unto ourselves, trying to find our voice. Second-guessing all of our actions. Fear of rejection, of not being good enough. Infinite introspection tries to delve into artist's psyche by telling a story through sculpture. How much of a story can a static object tell? Through this audio-visual experience I'm trying to represent my fears, health issues, insecurities, and the infinite introspection I do as an artist. Always looking inside, digging deeper and deeper in an attempt to break free from myself.

This piece is available on SuperRare platform as NFT. They are created on my own custom Manifold ERC-721 contract.

I do not like describing my pieces in heavy detail. I think that language a viewer speaks with a piece is stronger than the one artist speaks with that piece.

This piece being quite personal, I'm gonna describe some of it. I am very hard on myself, and that leads to being filled with a lot of fear, doubt and insecurities. Thus the title, infinite introspection, which is presented literally and figuratively in the piece. I have attempted to tell a story through sculpture and camera work.

Main sculpture is representation of myself, my fears, my insecurities, my health issues that I've been dealing with over the years. Around the main subject you can find various sculptures from my previous works. Big geometrical heads are sort of constructs of society that loom over us/myself.

Piece is not supposed to have a complete ending, or a solution, that is the reason the piece "loops". Although it's not a classical loop you'll understand after watching it fully. It is a representation of my own constant struggle as an artist/person.

With this information I will leave the rest up to you to interpret. For me the most interesting part of making art is hearing other people's interpretations of my work.

The piece took about 2 years since initial idea, but I didn't work constantly on it. End result was assembled in Unreal Engine 5 with assets sculpted in Zbrush.